Monday, April 23, 2012

a long time coming...

Hello dearest blog friends!

You may have noticed that things have been pretty slow {a.k.a. dead} around here.  Sometimes real life requires more of my time and attention and blog life has to take a back seat.  You know how it is, right?

But don't you worry. I haven't been slacking off.
I assure you I have been very busy with my latest project...

I'm expecting a baby in November!

You may or may not know that this is an announcement a long, LONG time coming.  We're talking years here, people.  Years full of very difficult things.  Needless to say, my husband and I are beyond excited.  It's kind of surreal to have happy news after so many heartaches.  We're just praying that this little guy or gal makes it here safe and sound.  We are so in love already.

So I hope you'll forgive my lack of posts.  Growing a human is hard work!  I have an ever-growing crafty "to-do" list to go along with this ever-growing belly, so stand by for more project posts soon. (I'm expecting that second trimester burst of energy to kick in any day now.  Haha.)


  1. Kacey! YAHHOOO!!!
    This really makes me so happy.

  2. YAY!!! CONGRATS!!! Such a HUGE blessing! I'll be keeping you in my prayers! Good, good luck and happy pregnancy! <3 <3 <3

  3. Congratulations, Kacey!! This is THE MOST magnificent thing you will EVER create!!! Thank you for giving me happy news to end my day on...
    xo Heidi

  4. Aww what a cute little bump!! Sweet baby! Congrats!

  5. congratulations! That is the perfect thing to have been working on! I hope to see lots of great baby crafts as you prepare for your little one :)

  6. Congrats! Absolutely the best reason for a little bloggy break - I know I did! Second tri should def be better.

  7. Congratulations Kacey! That's so exciting for you guys! I have to tell you that I love reading your blog, especially all of the uplifting thoughts that you share. I had a dream a few nights ago that you announced on your blog you were pregnant and I was really hoping it was true when I woke up in the morning. I'm So so glad it is! Congrats again! You'll be a great mommy!

  8. Congrats Kacey! I'm so excited for you! Hopefully you have a smooth pregnancy and that little baby is sweet to you.

  9. Congratulations!! Thats so exciting :)

  10. YAY YAY YAY YAY YAY! So beyond thrilled. So thrilled! Congratulations sweetheart.


    SOOOOO happy!

  11. Congrats that is awesome kids are the best!!!

  12. yay! yay! yay! I am so happy for you!!! Congrats!!

  13. Yay! That's terrific news! Congratulations!
