here's a little update of what's been going on with me lately...
teaching--just plugging along. this time of year is tough because we have no major breaks and everyone is antsy for spring. my art foundations kids have been working on op art and tessellations, sculpture is finishing up some ceramic faces and continuing work in their altered books, and my painting students are doing some monochromatic watercolor paintings. the end of term 3 is next week...just one more to go!!!
church--in relief society, i taught the presidency lesson for march on fast sunday. it was on making friends through church participation and service...i think it went well. and brandon volunteered to teach elders' quorum this last week. his lesson was out of the joseph smith manual...the bitterness of apostasy. last monday, we had dinner/family home evening with another couple in the ward--jordan and amy mccoy--which was really fun. and this friday, some other couples in the ward are coming with brandon and i to do baptisms for some of bran's ancestors. we've really been looking forward to that. besides that, i've just been keeping track of rs member visits, making sure teachers and the music co-ordinator are good to go. oh! and our stake conference is this weekend and an apostle (elder cook) is going to be there!
home--brandon and i have discovered that with both of us working all day, we really suck at keeping up with the housework during the week. with that said, we've been house hunting. haha...i guess we'll see how good we are at keeping up with an entire house, garage, yard, etc.
fun--lately, we've been taking it pretty easy...just relaxing at home most of the time. we're kind of homebodies, i guess. although, we went to my district high school art show. we've also had a good/stressful time following byu men's basketball this season. saturday, we went to jason's deli for lunch as a little treat for ourselves :) i've been making plans to get myself working on my own artwork here in the near future, which i'm both excited and nervous about. this week, i have an enrichment activity at the bishop's house, "evening for educators" at the springville museum of art, dinner for aubrey and benji and a chance to meet their new little baby, least 12 other things that i can't think of at the moment...
future plans--hopefully, a house...a trip up to my parents' house sometime soon...a week off of work for spring break in april (CANNOT wait!)...a trip to brandon's parents' house in july...
so that is what's going on with me. in case you were wondering.
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