Friday, February 18, 2011

heirloom crochet...

i mentioned a few weeks ago that i inherited some items from my grandma.
well, my husband's paternal grandparents also passed away this past year.
{between the two of us, we're down to one grandparent total!}

brandon's parents were able to go to the home and help divide up the estate.  one of the things they chose for us is this lovely bit of crochet...

...and i think it's beautiful.

i have no idea who made it or how old it is, but i think it's special to have some of our grandparents things around the house.  i've been keeping an eye out for the right frame for it so we can get it up on the wall.  (the one it's in just doesn't do it justice.)


  1. That is so cool! It's such a pretty piece of art!

  2. How lucky you are to have such a lovely piece of your family's history!

    I followed a link here from Tater Tots & Jello


  3. visiting from tatertots and jello! cute stuff!

  4. thanks for the giveaway!! I entered!


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