Friday, November 22, 2013

aqua, orange, & lime green baby boy's room...

Now that my kiddo is a year old, I guess I'll go ahead and post some pics of his nursery.

FINALLY.  Sheesh.

There wasn't the best light for picture-taking today...but the toys and books and laundry were all cleaned up, so I had to strike while the fire was hot!  His room is also really small and kind of hard to photograph, but whatev.  You'll get the idea.

I love the color palette and the dinosaur theme is there, but not over the top.  My goal was to make things easy to swap out if/when his interests change as he gets older.

I edited out my little one's name in this shot. 
Trying to protect his future privacy.  (You're welcome, son.)
Just imagine SUPER cute orange wood letters spelling the most adorable little boy's name you can think of. :)

I'm really glad I made this little gallery wall in the corner here.  Since it's right behind the glider where we often sit, he looks at all of the fun decorations back there all of the time.
I really need to put some stuff on his little cork boards, though.  Another one of those things I've been meaning to do...

And how cute is this stuffed triceratops?  I was searching for a good dinosaur with no luck, but grandma came through!  It even matches the nursery's color scheme.  Can't beat that.

The decor is pretty simple on this side of the room.
The gallery wall on in the other corner is plenty busy.

Putting a mirror above the changing table has proven to be great choice.  It's helpful when the kid is grumpy after a diaper change or whatever.  (Heaven forbid he hold still for 30 seconds!)  His own cutie face cheers him right up.
And I love seeing his newborn portraits all the time.  He has grown up so fast!  It's sweet to reminisce on his itty bitty baby days.  Well, as itty bitty as a 10 pound newborn can be... :)

Anyway, it's a happy little room that came together much like I had imagined.  I like being in there, and I like to think my son does, too!

Here are some links to other posts involving the decor in this room:


  1. Such a happy space, Kacey! What a lucky little guy... hope you're well and have a blessed Thanksgiving!
    xo Heidi

  2. Love it! Could you tell me what paint you used for the walls?

    1. The wall color is Valspar "Surf Spray" from Lowe's.
