Wednesday, March 25, 2009

i feel like an old lady...

at pghs, they decided it's a good idea to have a faculty powderpuff football team. for those of you unfamiliar with powderpuff football, it's basically flag football for girls who are coached by members of the football team. each class has a team.

well, the faculty team won last year.

amazing, i know. but we are very organized. our fbi agent turned pretty intense. he puts together plays, divides us into offense and defense, holds practices. it's for serious. so naturally we were feeling pretty confident this year.

and then we got rocked.

a rule change put us at a bit of a disadvantage. and we're old. another disadvantage.

the worst part, though, is the aftermath. i feel broken. and old. we played in 2 games on tuesday. we lost the first game against the sophomores because our pass protection kept falling apart. but we tried to regroup and were doing alot better in game 2 against the juniors. it was coming down to the end, so we were just going for it. i sprinted to the end zone and reached up for a pass...

...but i got tripped up and fell. then a girl from the other team ran by and stepped on my left hand. don't worry. she was wearing cleats.

at first, i thought i could just tough it out and keep playing, but my fingers started to swell up. a lot. brandon got me an ice bag and helped me to the car. he wanted to take me to the doctor, but i assured him it wasn't broken, just badly bruised, so we went home. my cute hubby took very good care of me. he made me dinner and got me some advil and tucked me in. he's the best.

when i woke up yesterday morning, not only were my fingers looking like breakfast sausages, but my entire body hurt.

i am old.

i go to bed before 10, i get excited about yogurt coupons, and i feel like i've been severely beaten after a game of flag football. sigh.

on a brighter note, i can kind of bend my fingers today. (although, i am only typing this with my right hand and the index finger of my left hand.) and our other two powderpuff games have been postponed because of snow.

hopefully, i'll heal up just in time to give it another go. apparently, i'm a glutton for punishment.

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