the next day, we set up our christmas decorations--the tree, the stockings, a nativity, a tin full of pinecone potpourri, some door decor, and a few other odds & ends. it's not a lot, but it's festive...
we have actually finished most of our shopping. it's been fun trying to suprise each other and buying things for angel tree. angel tree is a program run through united way and the salvation army that provides a way for children from under privileged families to still receive christmas gifts through anonymous donations. we "adopted" 2 kids that we have been getting christmas gifts for--a 12 year old boy and a 10 year old girl. we figured that we have so many blessings that we wanted to bring some blessings to others! i hope that they like what we've chosen and have a very happy christmas morning.
now we just have plans for a day of treat making, building a gingerbread house, gathering ingredients for our christmas feasts, and surviving the last few weeks of school/work. we're counting down the days to our holiday--just the two of us!
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